When Do Babies Switch to Size 1 Diapers

Newborn vs. Size 1 Diapers: Which Size Should I Buy?

When you are pregnant and thinking ahead to diapers, many new moms ask the question "should I purchase newborn or size 1 diapers?"

The answer can be unlike for anybody, and then permit me give yous some groundwork on diaper sizing…

Newborn diapers

Nigh standard newborn diapers are designed to fit babies up to 10lbs. But, equally nosotros know, all babies are different and each diaper brand can fit a little differently too.

Nigh newborn diapers do have an umbilical cord cut-out, a small "dip" in the front of the diaper where a infant'south umbilical stump usually is. This is not a "necessary" feature in a diaper (some diaper brands do non have information technology), simply information technology is convenient so that the diaper does not rub against the umbilical stump.

Most hospitals stock Newborn size diapers for new babies. Nigh babies when they are born utilise Newborn diapers.

Newborn vs. Size 1 Diapers - Image of baby changing table

Size i diapers

Most standard size i diapers are designed to fit babies 8-14lbs. Just, as we know, all babies are different and each diaper make tin can fit a niggling differently also.

Size ane diapers more often than not do not have the umbilical cutting-out, just diapers tin can be folded downwardly if the babe'south umbilical stump is still present.

Some larger babies commencement wearing size 1 diapers from birth, so many hospitals do have size i diapers available.

Diaper Size Chart for babies

What size diaper will my baby wear?

Did you see the size overlap between the newborn and size 1 diapers? If newborn diapers are designed for babies under ten pounds, and size 1 diapers are designed for babies viii-14 pounds, and so what size diaper does an 8 or 9 pound baby wear? The answer is, mayhap both.

Many experienced Moms will recommend but buying a few newborn diapers (if you haven't already gotten them every bit gifts), simply more size 1 diapers. Because you just don't know how big your baby will be at birth, or how fast they will abound.

What size Diaper Sampler Packages practise parents buy?

If y'all're planning ahead and looking at a Diaper Sampler Packet, the almost common size to buy is size 1. And here's why:

-Non every baby is born into a newborn size. Some parents (and gift-givers) believe it's amend to take to wait a lilliputian scrap to employ a Sampler Bundle instead of running the gamble they may exist too big for it at nativity.

-Not every diaper brand is available in a newborn size. Did you know that Costco's Kirkland Supreme diapers start at size ane?

-Newborn babies are hard. Think dorsum, how much do you call back about that offset month at home with your newborn? Me, non much. It was pretty foggy from the sleep deprivation and aligning catamenia. Some new parents aren't upwards for making many extra decisions during those first days with their newborn and prefer to wait until they're a little more set up to endeavour and compare a variety of diaper brands side-by-side.

Shop Size 1 Diaper Sampler Packages

Every baby is different

With all the guidelines and best guesses that diaper manufacturers make, every baby is unique. All these weight guidelines are just assumptions based on other babies. Pay attending to the diaper's fit more the printed weight range on the diaper packet. Yous'll know when your baby'southward diaper isn't plumbing equipment right and it's fourth dimension to switch sizes.

Read more near Diaper Fit

Our virtually popular souvenir! The Mega Mom Diaper Sampler Package includes 12 brands of size ane diapers including eco-friendly and name brand choices.


"What a bully idea! Existence able to try different diapers before you purchase. My baby is transitioning sizes and this let me see which diapers are the next size up merely still on the smaller size to fit and also which ones still use the wetness stripe. I definitely now know which are my favorites and future go to'due south." -Cossandra A.

What IS the difference between newborn and size 1 diapers?

The divergence between a newborn "up to ten pounds" and size 1'southward "8-fourteen pounds" isn't a lot. Merely, there is a bit of a size difference as well as some overlap. If your baby is at the smaller end of scale, you might opt for newborn size diapers, merely if your baby is endmost in on the upper end you lot might choose to start in size ane's.

Many babies could really fit in either size (that'south where the weight overlap comes in).

As with all things, you lot'll desire to choose the diaper that works best for your unique babe.

Happy diapering!


Source: https://www.diaperdabbler.com/blogs/behind-the-store/newborn-or-size-1-diapers

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