Unlike film or TV bear witness protagonists, video game main characters tend to be forgotten every bit the series moves forward since the histrion characters are usually replaced. However, Uncharted's Nathan Drake volition forever be remembered in the hearts of gamers.

He didn't need a mean streak or a violent disposition to be one of the "cool" heroes and instead was a thoroughly likable character because of his Lowest persona. Never i to shy abroad from showing some sass, Nate has a hilarious quip for every state of affairs. In order to honour this bully character, here are Nathan Drake'due south funniest lines in the Unchartedserial.

Updated on February 3, 2022 by Ritwik Mitra: Nathan Drake is one of the nigh charismatic and likable video game protagonists of all time. The protagonist of the Uncharted series has played a fundamental role throughout the series, with his comedic quips and intelligent retorts existence 1 of the biggest reasons why and then many fans love this graphic symbol. Hither are some more than of the funniest things he's ever said in the series to farther illustrate this point.

15 "Oh Man, I'g So Tired Of Climbing Shit."

Uncharted 4 promotional image of nathan drake avoiding gunfire

Uncharted 4 is the biggest release in the franchise, making a massive uptick in quality along with some memorable performances from the cast. Drake has some excellent lines as well, with this comment being particularly memorable.

Drake utters this line when climbing the iconic bell belfry in the game. Given how extended this sequence is, it's understandable every bit to why even Nate tin can get annoyed from all this climbing.

14 "Is That It? Is That My Deal? Dice Now, Or Aid You lot, And Dice After. It'due south A Tough Call, Merely You Know What? I'll Accept Dice At present."

Eddy Raja in Uncharted

The offset Uncharted game made it pretty clear that the serial' dialogue was going to be one of its strongest points. This can be seen when Eddy Raja threatens Drake with a rather ostentatious gun.

Drake doesn't even flinch while uttering this immensely cool and hilarious line. Thankfully, anybody's favorite treasure hunter did not meet his finish here as Drake all the same had enough more than adventures to go on and quips to utter.

thirteen "Only on The Bright Side, There'southward No Ane Around To Tell Me I'm An Idiot."


Uncharted 4 is really where Drake hits his everyman of lows. However, the never-say-die attitude of this man lets him redeem his failures and get his life back on rail notwithstanding again.

Of grade, hearing Drake talk about the mess he'south made in such a hilarious way definitely makes for a corking moment in the quaternary game. It'southward a fun way to remind players that Nathan Drake is notwithstanding man to his core, regardless of his occasional apathetic actions and death-defying stunts that only a superhuman could pull off.

12 "Is That A Popcorn Automobile?"

Uncharted 3-2

Uncharted three is another swell adventure in the life of Nathan Drake. His dialogue is almost ever funny and makes for a great time as players go through another amazing activity-packed hazard.

The fact that he says this dialogue while exploring a French castle shows only how happy-go-lucky Nate really is. It'south a big office of why so many people love his character.

eleven "How Long Am I Supposed To Be In Here, Huh? And Where's The Toilet?"

Vargas in Uncharted 4

Later beingness abducted past his enemies, Nathan is thrown into a dingy cell past a minor antagonist called Vargas. Subsequently seeing the hopelessness of his state of affairs, he utters this line to solidify his priorities.

Vargas doesn't mince words and tells him that his cell is his toilet, which is quite icky. Thankfully, Nate breaks out of his prison before things go really bad for him.

10 "Ah! I Did Not Meet That!"

Making Nathan a hit with the ladies is his adorkability factor, where he comes beyond both ambrosial and every bit a dork. The guy can climb anything in the world, merely he's still a klutz when he's non paying attention.

In this scene, Nate was heading into a hole-and-corner bedroom all by himself while leaving Elena backside so she would be rubber; when Elena told him to be careful, Nate laughed it off past saying he always is, right before the adventurer promptly smacks his head on the wall. In his annoyance, Nate couldn't even come up with an excuse.

9 "Cause It'due south A Well?"

Nathan and Sully are like two peas in a pod every bit their thinking styles are wildly like. They're the kind of guys who can cease each other's sentences because they know what the other has in mind.

Instance in point was in Uncharted three: Drake's Deception, where Sully made a lame joke by uttering "well, well, well," which got a chuckle out of Nathan. When Elena asked what was so funny, Nate just pointed out to her that it was a pun since they were actually looking into a well.

viii "Yeah, skillful luck pal, that's almost impossible to - oh, you did it."

Fifty-fifty though he always gets the job done, Nathan has an affinity for going off on rants while on his adventures, and this involves talking smack to his companions as well. During Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Nate was skeptical of Tenzin aiming to hook a rope on water ice to swing beyond.

While Nate was balking at Tenzin'southward plan, the latter hands achieved his task and went on swinging ahead. Nate was left behind eating his own words, having been proven wrong mid-judgement.

vii "Oh no, information technology's Non That Bad. Look, I Accept My Own Bucket!"

It's a wonder how Nate spent 3 months in prison without losing his mind, especially all the snark that comes with it. Later he was double-crossed by Flynn, Nate was visited by Chloe to go back in the game.

Understandably enraged since he was stuck there because of her, a sarcastic Nathan offered to testify Chloe the vivid side of being stuck in a prison cell for months on stop past pointing out that, at least, he had his own bucket to save himself. Now that'southward some glass-err, bucket half full kind of thinking, isn't information technology?

6 "In Like Flynn, Become It?"

Uncharted four: A Thief'due south End ends by jumping to the futurity and showing Nathan and Elena as parents. And even so, Nathan was full of dad jokes manner before he even got married. In Uncharted 2, he and Flynn were doing some sneaking in through a concealed entrance, when Nate decided to throw this cheesy joke out.

According to him, Flynn sneaking in without getting caught meant he was going "In like Flynn." It actually is a real phrase, just applying information technology to a guy literally chosen Flynn was a joke only a dad could find funny.

5 "Nifty, power's out, and a girl'due south trapped. I swear to God if there's a zombie around the side by side corner..."

Yous can never accuse Nathan of not keeping upwardly with continuity, equally he calls back to previous adventures in every game. In Uncharted 2, Nate institute himself in a position where he had to costless Chloe from being trapped in an elevator without whatever electricity in the building; this brought dorsum some memories for him.

Uncharted: Drake'southward Fortune had seen Nate in a similar position where he had to gratis Elena but was astonished to detect zombies chasing after him. He conspicuously still remembered that event, since Nate expected a zombie to attack him again despite beingness several countries away in a different destination.

4 "Well, Technically, I Did..."

Chloe likened Nate to a monkey by promising to requite him a assistant when he'd accomplished their mission. This was considering Nate could climb over anything that was earlier him, and we saw him do just this within the temple in Uncharted 2: Amid Thieves.

Nate had to put his body on the line to jump and fall in various points on the enormous statue, and the guy didn't even get full credit for pulling information technology off. Chloe shared the credit when the passageway was open, but an exasperated Nate muttered that technically it was all because of him.

3 "Statue Of Your Mom."

When two rivals are thrust together in a state of affairs to work together even though they'd rather kill one another, the terminate result might see them arguing like two kids in the park. When Nate and Flynn were tasked by Zoran Lazarević to open up the path for the rest of them, the two traded verbal shots while on their way.

Flynn's office was mainly him interim high and mighty, while an angered Nate could only conjure "Your Mom" jokes as he was being held at gunpoint. Still, it was hilarious to hear him phone call an ugly statue out as Flynn's mom out of nowhere.

2 "I Haven't Thought That Far Ahead."

This was the catchphrase Nate got in Uncharted two: Amid Thieves, as he displayed fourth dimension and again how everything he did was kind of a fluke. Elena was convinced Nate had a 1000 plan when chasing afterwards a moving train, but it turned out he hadn't fifty-fifty idea nigh how he was going to go on the train.

In the ending scene, Nate again declares he has no clue where he and Elena would get after all they'd been through; at a time when they were somewhere in Tibet. Regardless, the line is guaranteed to get a chuckle out of whatsoever fan because it just virtually sums upwards Nate's whole characterization.

1 "Any Chance This Is Sector 19?"

Here, Nate combines both his adorkable quality and his penchant for cheesy lines. When Nate and Chloe are spotted past Lazarević's men while they were in Sector 18 of Nepal, Nate tries to convince himself they are in another sector.

This then led to him asking Chloe if at that place was whatever run a risk at all they were really in a supposed Sector 19. Perhaps he would have believed his ain denial had there not been a huge killer helicopter heading straight their manner at that very moment. Since Nate won the fight, they should really accept changed the identify's name to Sector 19.

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